New Study Finds Beetroot and Green Vegetable Reduce Blood Pressure

A new study has found that both the consumption of beetroot and green vegetable will lower your blood pressure.

The study published in the journal Hypertension in which 15 men and women with high blood pressure were tested.

The researchers from Queen Mary University of London, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry gave participants 250 ml of beetroot juice a day and found that their blood pressure had fallan around 10mm Hg. The reduction of blooad pressure was at the highest between three and six hours but after that the effect lasted 24 hours.

Researchers say that other nitrate-rich vegetables including cabbage and lettuce are likely to have the same effect.

lead researcher Amrita Ahluwalia said: ”I don’t think anybody would have liked it if we’d juiced lettuce leaves and cabbage,

“Beetroot isn’t unique in being able to alter the cardiovascular system. Rocket has a very high inorganic nitrate content; fennel has a high inorganic content.”


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